Media reports

Wuhan will seven measures for construction of public parking lot

2023-09-08 00:00:00
learned, go out the road plugging into the parking lot during the day, go home at night a lot of owner are again rob parking space, as if in wuhan has become a most motorists headaches, parking is always difficult to solve this problem, the city will be seven policies to encourage the construction of the parking lot, by the end of the entire central urban area will be built at least 15000 parking Spaces.

, according to the municipal government of wuhan city center gap of about 260000, so the construction of the parking lot is a urgent thing, at the same time for a new community and public places must be strictly in accordance with the specification PeiJian parking space.For some of the old village was without planning parking space, want to choose suitable parking lot to the construction of facilities.

seven incentives: 1, public parking lot at cost allocated for;2, their own land to build parking free transfer fund;3, social investment parking lot independent pricing;4 each building a berth reduction shall be 8000 yuan;5, encourage foreign charge business unit of parking lot;6, simplify examination and approval procedures;7, strengthen the construction of the indicator system.This seven policy will be able to very good to encourage people to the construction of public parking lot, alleviate the problem of parking is difficult.

although the number of parking lots is constantly increasing, but still can’t meet the traffic growth and people’s needs, using intelligent parking management system will be able to replace the traditional manual charge, drivers can help easily find free parking information, improve the efficiency of parking, parking space at the same time also can make full use of the parking lot.So, using intelligent parking lot management system can improve the utilization rate of the parking lot and facilitates the management of the managers at the same time.