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Entrance guard channel brake system in the application of different occasions

2023-09-23 00:00:00
entrance guard intelligent channel brake technology, make useful to many public places, like community, the company entrance, medical institutions, schools, and other fields.Intelligent entrance guard channel gate is the entrance door safety management system is a new type of modern safety management system, it can effectively prevent personnel in and out, make a lot of places closed-end management, the security industry has played a big role.Intelligent channel brake generally divided into wing brake, brake, turn three roller brake, brake, etc., it is through to the personnel entering into identity authorization, after authorized access.

1, the entrance guard channel brake applications in residential area doorway to install brake system can change the small area public security relying on memory to judge whether an outsider of the inaccuracies of the rigorous management, effectively prevent sundry to enter the village, effectively to implement closed-end management.

2, entrance guard channel gate installed in company gateway, the application of inward and outward channels of the brake system can effectively prevent the foreign sales people freely in and out of the company, disturb the order of office, also can effectively prevent foreign personnel in and out at the same time, guarantee company and individual property safety.

3, entrance guard channel brake application in medical institutions, medical institutions channel brake system can effectively prevent outsiders in unwittingly into the infected area, or someone will make patients receiving bacteria infection bacteria into the operating room.

4, entrance guard channel brake applications in school school to install intelligent brake can be effectively order for schools and students’ safety protection.In recent years, we can learn from the case happened in school, school to install channel brake is to ensure that students in and out of the safety and management students after-school activities.

smart channel brake effectively rich gateway management, change the traditional rely on artificial before registration to record personnel access information, queuing, breaks the personnel crowded phenomenon, at the same time also can reduce the management cost.