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What are the advantages of intelligent channel gate?

2023-10-25 00:00:00
intelligent channel brake is mainly used to control people travel at the same time, in the office building, subway, factory, scenic spots, such as stream of occasions used very widely.Wing channel brake including brake, brake, turn three roller brake, brake;According to the function of the brake machine and appearance is different, use the actual environment is different also.Three roll brake used in pedestrian passageway, mainly to have the following features, at the gate of the scenic spots, parks, prevent LouPiao, control the traffic.Wing brake in subway, many commercial and office use, through the smart card authorization to manage the pedestrian entrances and exits.Swing gate in the library with a lot of, be applicable to the wide channel access control.

then a channel to manage the pedestrian entrance gate is used to control what are the advantages?Mainly embodied in the following aspects.A,

advanced technology of intelligent channel using IC card technology, intelligent IC card to manage, convenient and fast with high efficiency, can and car park management, access control attendance, combined intelligent consumer use.Functional flexibility, authorized by the software, can be convenient, real-time data record and query of the pedestrian traffic, management authority.

2, economical and practical, cost-effective

smart channel brake equipment is simple, easy installation, electrical wiring is simple, maintenance, lower cost, using network management technology, system updates.

3, easy to use, high pass rate

channel sluice adopts intelligent control authorization card, go to the front of the gate, a credit card can pass, fast response speed, without much waiting.Channel gate flexible, fast switching, personnel pass quickly.

4, safety performance is high

mechanical device, the position, current detection, the hydrodynamic and channel sensors such as four heavy protection of pedestrians prevention safety protection, the whole system run no classes positioning device, operation process is controlled by a sensor, no mechanical collision with lightning protection against leakage protection, prevent clip, anti-collision, prevent, prevent stall, electrical over-voltage over-current prevention function.Using wireless transmission technology, no radiation damage to human body.()