Industry information

IC card management system and the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of license plate recognition system

2023-10-27 00:00:00
IC card intelligent charging system is at present the most popular car park management system, market and license plate recognition system in recent years also began to spread, what each have advantages and disadvantages between them?Let’s detail.

IC card is very outstanding, the characteristics of low cost, mature technology, good durability, in offline or computer failure still can guarantee the normal pass in and out of the vehicle.Other IC card for the processing of data storage is very convenient, in the handle card report the loss, and so on are very fast in time.

but IC card parking management system also has its disadvantages, because IC CARDS can be read to write, if it is in the offline, lost card can normal use, also can bring some trouble to the management.

we have to look at the license plate recognition systems, license plate recognition system maintenance is relatively simple, is also very stable.As the surveillance cameras pixel increased significantly, recognition technology constantly improving, got spread its application.

but still is the weakness of the license plate recognition system, recognition rate due to camera easily affected by environment, such as in rain, fog, snow, such as environment, recognition rate will drop;Additional license plates have mud stains, license plate size, different position will also affect the recognition rate.

well, about the advantages and disadvantages of IC card and license plate recognition we introduced to this, thank you for reading.