Industry information

How to estimate of quantities to determine parking system?

2022-06-29 08:00:00

Although parking system installation is relatively simple, but its estimate of quantities?Believe that a lot of engineering business, party a have such doubt.Actually quantity we can wire from the construction quantity, lane construction and safety island to install these aspects to estimate.

1. Pipeline construction wire we can according to the distance between the inward and outward to determine, for example, a into a, if it is in the same intersection, the wire consumption, at least if distance entrances and exits, then we will calculate them to do the longest distance between the wires.

2. Lane construction is determined according to the status of the parking lot entrance road to estimate.Parking lane have several kinds, such as concrete pavement, square brick pavement, pitch road surface, etc., we can according to what kind of road construction in construction.

3. Safety island.Here basically is considering whether to install safety island, island of ceramic tile, whether to the installation of control box, etc.
