Install ground sense coil position
Intelligent parking system to sense the coil in the driveway to install two general position, entry, for example, one is installed beside the card reader, one is to install under the brake lever, detailed below.
we say ground sense coil position of the reader first, relative to the brake lever below ground sense coil, the decrease of the card reader to feeling may be appropriately, and need not parallel to the reader, move forward, around 200 mm for groove width 8-10 mm, 30-50 mm deep, corner should be polished smooth, their locations are as follows:
brake and sense to the position of the coil, it is important to note here to feel the width of the centerline must, at the bottom of the brake lever requirements groove width 8-10 mm, 30-50 mm deep, corner to burnish flowing, as shown in detail: