IC card intelligent charging system is at present the most popular car park management system, market and license plate recognition system in recent years also began to spread, what each have advantages and disadvantages between them?Let’s detail.IC card is very outstanding, the characteristics of low cost, mature technology, good durability, in offline or computer failure still can guarantee the normal pass in and out of the vehicle.Other IC CARDS are very convenient for storage of data processing, are all in a timely manner in handle card report the loss, such as rapid
ring made from intelligent transportation departments, according to the response prime minister li keqiang, put forward to develop the calculation of technical innovation, foster emerging industries, serve the society;Will be in guangzhou, nantong and other cities pilot intelligent parking lot, parking in the parking lot industry is very fresh, combines computing technology and technical innovation of the parking lot is used, in domestic at present basically at zero, after a pilot cities, stable mode to nationwide, is the present domestic first
last time we introduced the two parking charge system: IC card charging system and license plate recognition system, today we are going to introduce several parking charge system, hope to help you.1. RFID electronic license plate charge system license plate recognition precision, sensitivity is high, it is to put the license plate number and some other vehicle information stored in the radio frequency tag, can automatically and monitoring, which can identify the vehicle in the parking lot system, the technical superiority is quite obvious.RFI
Recent news frequently broke up many first-tier cities such as municipal public parking lot parking costs a lot to keep loss, the government fiscal parking fee income gap is huge, owner of pay parking fees and community public resources not good service to the people.By local reporter survey found that the current urban road parking lot management is run by the enterprise, enterprise’s charge management basic it is artificial, parking fee no unified standard, parking management enterprise qualification management
vehicle detector as an important part of intelligent parking lot system, main function is to obtain real-time traffic information, provide support for automated parking lot.The current detection technology is mainly used in the parking lot for magnetic frequency testing, we have to make a detail below.
brake is mainly used to control people travel at the same time, in the office building, subway, factory, scenic spots, such as stream of occasions used very widely.Wing channel brake including brake, brake, turn three roller brake, brake;According to the function of the brake machine and appearance is different, use the actual environment is different also.Three roll brake used in pedestrian passageway, mainly to have the following features, at the gate of the scenic spots, parks, prevent LouPiao, control the traffic.Wing brake in the subway, commercial and office
about vehicle detector, the last time we introduced the magnetic frequency detection technology (for details, please click on the "frequency magnetic detection technology of intelligent parking lot vehicle detector"), the wave frequency detection technology.Several: wave frequency detector we mainly introduce the radar detector, infrared detector, ultrasonic wave detector and photoelectric detector, because these are more common.Radar detector is back with a microwave signals and blocked emission signal is analyzed, it is concluded that the state of the vehicle, such as moving
are large public facilities, parking lot owners are some of the social economy foundation, more than the car itself is a kind of assets, so the parking lot will be caused a lot of potential safety hazard, in film and television drama, we often see some illegal behavior occurs in a parking lot.Of course that is only part of the parking lot security problems, so the planning and construction in the parking lot, need to pay attention to the safety problems are those?One, personal property safety hidden trouble parking, especially large